502 Hoffmann, Johann Joseph (1805-1878)
Japanese-English dictionary.1881-1892. 3 vols.

JAPANESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY, BY THE LATE Prof. D. J. J. HOFFMANN, Member of the Royal Academy of Sciences at Amsterdam; Corresponding Member of the Royal Prussian Academy of Sciences; Knight of the order of the Netherland's Lion ; Knight of the order of Albrecht of Saxony. BY ORDER OF THE DUTCH GOVERNMENT, ELABORATED AND EDITED BY D. L. SERRURIER, Acting-Director of the State's Ethnographical Museum at Leyden. VOLUME I [-II].
LEYDEN, E. J. BRILL. 1881.
VOLUME I. x, 189 p. 28 cm.
VOLUME II. [1], [2], 77 p. 27 cm.
JAPANESE-ENGLISH DICTIONARY, ACCORDING TO THE ANNOTATIONS OF THE LATE D. J. J. HOFFMANN, Extraordinary Professor at the University of Leyden, Translator of the Dutch Government for the Chinese and Japanese language, etc. BY ORDER OF THE DUTCH GOVERNMENT, COMPLETED AND PREPARED FOR PUBLICATION BY D. L. SERRURIER, Director of the State's Ethnographical Museum at Leyden. VOLUME III.
LEYDEN, E. J. BRILL. 1892.
vi, [104] p. 27 cm.


注  記
VOLUME I, VOLUME II 各冊は原表紙の上に改装。
VOLUME I, VOLUME II, VOLUME III 各冊の本文中に漢字片仮名活字印刷多数。
日本関係図書(VOLUME I, VOLUME II 各冊原表紙裏関連図書リスト)
 Preliminary List of writings referred to in this work.
 Enc., The great Japanese Encyclopedia Wa-kan san-sai dzu-e, 和三才圖會, Yedo 1714.
 Kasira gaki zou-ho kin-mou dzu-i, 頭書補訓蒙圖; a small Japanese Encyclopedia. Chapter 12 and the first part of chap. 13 translated by L. Serrurier, Leyden 1875.
 Kuwau-wa giyo-bu, 皇和魚譜, i.e. description of the fishes in the illustrious Japan, by Kurimoto, 1838.
 Nippon-ki, Yamato-bumi or Nippon Siyo-ki, 日本書; an historical work.
 Hei-ke monogatari, 家物語; an historical work, 1710.
 Nippon wau-dai itsi-ran, 日本王代一賢; an historical work, 1795. Translated by Is. Titsingh under the title of Annales des empereurs du Japon, 1834.
 Wa-gun no siwori, 倭訓栞, i.e. guide to the Japanese language by Tanigava si-sei, 1830.
 Hiyaku nin it'siu, 百人一首, Japanese Anthology, translated by F. V. Dickins.
 Ta-hio or Dai-gaku 大學, by Confucius. According to the translation by Dr. J. Legge, The Chinese classics, vol. 1.
 Add. Art., Additional articles to the treaty, concluded on the 30th January 1856, at Nagasaki between the Netherlands and Japan; to be found in the work of Mr. J. A. van der Chijs the efforts of the Netherlands for the opening of Japan to the international trade, p. 261 seqq.
 Dr. J. J. Hoffmann, Das Buddha-Pantheon von Nippon. In Nippon, Archiv zur Beschreibung von Japan. Leiden 1832-1852.
 A. B. Mitford, Tales of old Japan. London 1871.
 Dr. A. Pfizmaier, Die Lehre des Te-ni-wo-fa Juniheft des Jahrganges 1873 der Sitzungsberichte der phil.- hist. Classe der Kais. Akad. der Wissenschaften (Vienna 1873).
 Leon Pages, Dictionnaire Japonais-Francais, Paris 1868.
 J. C. Hepburn, A Japanese-English Dictionary, Shanghai 1872. 2 edition.
 E. Satow, Kuai-wa hen, 25 exercises in the Yedo colloquial, Yokohama 1873.
 J. J. Hoffmann, Japanese grammar, Leyden 1867. 2nd edition 1876.
 J. J. Hoffmann, Japanische Studien, erster Nachtrag zur Japanischen Sprachlehre, Leiden 1878.
 E. Kaempfer, Amoenitates exoticae, 1712.
 Ph. Fr. von Siebold, Fauna Japonica, Leid. 1833-1850.
 Flora Japonica, sive plantae quas in Imperio Japonico collegit, descripsit et ex parte in ipsis locis pingendas curavit Dr. Ph. Fr. von Siebold. Sectio prima. Plantae ornatui vel usui inservientes. Digessit Dr. J. G. Zuccarini. Lugd. Bat. 1835-44.
 J. J. Hoffmann et H Schultes, Noms Indigenes d'un choix de plantes du Japon et de la Chine, Leyde 1864.
 C. P. Thunberg, Flora Japonica 1784.
 D. Hanbury, Notes on Chinese materia medica. London 1862.
 A. J. C. Geerts, Les produits de la nature Japonaise et Chinoise. Yokohama 1878.
日本関係図書(VOLUME I, VOLUME II 各冊原裏表紙書店広告)
 E. J. BRILL at Leyden, has published:
 頭書補訓蒙圖大成 (Kasira gaki zouvo kin mou dzu wi tai sei). Encyclopedie japonaise. Le chapitre des quadrupedes avec la premiere partie de celui des oiseaux. Traduction francaise sur le texte original avec facsimile par L. Serrurier.
 HOFFMANN (J. J.), Japansche Spraakleer, uitgegeven op last van den Minister van kolonien.
 HOFFMANN (J. J.), Japanische Sprachlehre.
 HOFFMANN (J. J.), A Japanese grammar. 2 edit.
 HOFFMANN (J. J.), Japanische Studien. Erster Nachtr. z. Japanischer Sprachlehre.
 HOFFMANN (J. J.), Catalogue of Chinese matrices and printing-types founded in the Netherlands by command of his Majesty's minister for Colonial affairs. (With English and Dutch advertisement).
 HOFFMANN (J. J.) et H. SCHULTES, Noms indigenes d'un choix de plantes du Japon et de la Chine, determines d'apres les echantillons de l'herbier des Pays-Bas a Leide. Nouvelle edition augmentee avec traduction Hollandaise.
 SAINT-AULAIRE (DE), and Groeneveldt, Manual of chinese running-handwriting, especially as it is used in Japan, compiled from origin. sources. Amst. 1861.
 Publie sous la direction de M. le Prof. J. J. Hoffmann.
 Study (The grand), (Ta Hio or Dai Gaku) edited by J. J. Hoffmann, 2 parts.
  I. The chinese text with an interlineary japanese version. With facsimile.
  II. Reading of the japanese text in roman character.
  The Dutch translation has been placed next the English version.
VOLUME III の複本:(00032255)

WENCKSTERN I, p. 77. CORDIER, col. 502. TOYO BUNKO, p. 182. NIPPONALIA III, 805.