986 Peery, R. B. (Rufus Benton) (b. 1868)
The gist of Japan.1898.

The Gist of Japan, The Islands, Their People And Missions, By the Rev. R. B. Peery, A. M., Ph. D. Of the Lutheran Mission, Saga, Japan, With Illustrations.
New York, Chicago, Toronto, Fleming H. Revell Company, MDCCCXCVIII [1898].
[2], 324 p., [9] leaves of plates. 21 cm.


目  次
I. The Land of Japan. 9
II. A Brief History of the Japanese People. 32
III. Japanese Characteristics. 51
IV. Manners and Customs. 69
V. Japanese Civilization. 89
VI. Japanese Morality. 107
VII. Religions of Japan. 122
VIII. First Introduction of Christianity. 144
IX. Modern Roman and Greek Missions. 160
X. A Brief History of Protestant Missions in Japan. 169
XI. Qualifications for Mission Work in Japan. 192
XII. Private Life of the Missionary. 209
XIII. Methods of Work. 234
XIV. Hindrances. 266
XV. Special Problems. 286
XVI. The Outlook. 306

注  記
遊び紙に Chas. L. Hose' との書き込み。
標題紙裏に<Copyright, 1897, by Fleming H. Revell Company>。
