1053 Seymour, J. N.
Easy grammar lessons for Japanese students. 1900.

EASY GRAMMAR LESSONS FOR JAPANESE STUDENTS, BY J. N. SEYMOUR, B. A., M. B. Instructor in English at the Higher Normal School, Tokyo. SEVENTEENTH EDITION.
[1], [1], iv, 94, [1] p. 19 cm.


目  次
Introductory Lessons.
The Alphabet. 1
Syllables. 2
Subject and Predicate. 4
The Parts of Speech. 5
Proper and Common. 11
Number. 11
Irregular Plurals. 13
Gender. 14
The Possessive Case. 15
The Nominative and the Objective Cases. 17
Parsing. 18
Personal. 20
Possessive. 24
Relative. 26
Interrogative. 28
Adjective. 29
Parsing. 32
Proper and Common; Comparison. 33
Numeral. 35
Articles. 38
Voice. 41
Mood. 42
Tense. 44
Conjugation of a Regular Verb in the Active Voice. 48
Irregular Verbs. 49
Conjugation of an Irregular verb. 56
Interrogative Conjugation. 58
Negative Conjugation. 59
Negative-Interrogative Conjugation. 60
To Be. 61
To Have. 64
Third Person Singular. 64
Passive Voice. 65
Continuous or Progressive Conjugation. 68
Auxiliary Verbs. 70
Parsing. 72
Shortened Forms. 73
Spelling. 74
Ancient Forms. 75
Of Time. 76
Of Place. 77
Of Manner. 78
Of Degree. 79
Conjunctive Adverbs. 80
Relative, Interrogative, and other Adverbs. 80
Comparison. 81
Adverbial Phrases. 82
Prepositions. 84
Conjunctions. 93
Exercises. Pages: 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 17, 23, 25, 27, 31, 35, 37, 49, 57, 60, 65, 67, 82, 91.

注  記
遊び紙第 2 葉に<明治二十九年四月二十七日 文部省檢定濟>。
奥付(裏遊び紙第 2 葉裏)
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