Plates List

Perry, Matthew Calbraith Narrative of the expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan. Vol. 2. 1856

No.1 is a view of the coal bluff at Shah bay.
No.2 is a view of this most singular limestone rock, as it stretches in a narrow ridge across the island, in a course about N. 60 degrees E., commencing twelve miles from Napha. This view is from its northwest side; and, strange as it is, may be ...
No.3 is a view of the same kind of rock at Abbey Point.
No.4 is a close view of a portion of the same cluster.
Mineral spring near Hakodadi.
Various Chinese Implements.
Chinese Irrigating Machine worked by a Buffalo.
Chinese Irrigating Machine worked by men.
Chinese Apparatus for Grinding Beans, Bones and other substances.
Seen from the northward.
The soft yellow sandstone is interspersed with numerous round black stones, like boulders.
The mines on the coast.
Yack. (Bos grunniens, Cuv.)
Japanese fox.
Phasianus versicolor (Vieillot).
Phasianus soemmeringii (Temminck).
Numenius tahitiensis - Gmelin.
Garrulax perspicillatus (Gmelin).
Heterornis sericea - Gmelin.
Ixos haemorrhous - Gmelin.
The little movable bascket-work enclosure of bamboo . The barrel.
No.1 - Serranus tsirimenara. No.2 - Serranus marginalis.
No.1 - Sebastes marmoratus. No.2 - Sebastes marmoratus.
No.1 - Pelor Japonicum - Life size. No.2 - Sebastes Inermis - Life size. No.3 - Trigla Burgeri.
No.1 - Etroplus Fumosus - Life size. No.2 - Heniochus Macrolepidotus - Life size. No.3 - Glyphisodon Smaragdinus. No.4 - Amphiprion Frenatus. No.5 - Apistus Rubripinnis - Life size. No.6 - Monocentris Japonicus - Life size.
No.4 - Scomberesox. No.3 - Belone Gigantea. No.2 - Gunellus Dolichogaster. No.1 - Clinus Polyactocephalus. (Reduced 1/3 nat. size)
1, Serranus Urodelus. 2, Iulis Quadricolor. 3 & 4, Iulis Lutescens.
1, Salmo Perryi (Reduced). 2, Salmo Masou (Reduced).
1, Salmo -? (Young. Nat. size). 2, Osmerus Japonicus (Nat. size). 3, Salmo (Fario) Leucomaenis (Nat. size).
1, Muraena Kidako (Nat. size). 2, Anguilla.
1, Triakis Scyllium (Reduced). 2, Cestracion Phillippi (Nat. size)
1,2,3,4, Cytherea formosa. 5,6, Cytherea formosa var. 8,9, Psammobia olivacea. 7,10, Mya Japonica.
1,2, Cytherea meretrix. 3,4,5,10, Cytherea morphina. 6,7,8,9, Cytherea petechialis.
1,2, Dipsas plicatus. 3,4, Pecten Yessoensis.
1,2, Pecten Yessoensis.
1,2,3, Helix Simodae. 4,5,6, Helix Simodae, var. 7,8,9, Helix Perryi. 10,11,12, Lymnaea Japonica. 13,14,15, Bullia Perryi. 16,17, Purpura septentrionalis.
Chart showing tracks of Cyclones.
"MISSISSIPPI," October 7 ,1854.
Chart, showing the tracks or courses of various Gales & Hurricanes, as traced by Wm. C. Redfield, 1855. With additions.
Chart of the Kuro Siwo, or Gulf Stream of the Pacific.
Diagram of the Track, Winds daily current, Barometer & Thermometer of the U. S. Despatch Bark Caprice; from Shanghai to Lew-Chew, June 1853.
DIAGRAM of the Tracks,Winds daily currents, Barometer & Thermometer of the U.S.S.MACEDONIAN from Hong-Kong to Lew Chew, December and January 1853 & 1854
DIAGRAM of the Track,Winds, daily currents, Barometer & Thermometer of the U.S.S.F.MISSISSIPPI from Hong-Kong to Lew Chew Jany 1854.
DIAGRAM of the Track,Winds, daily current, Barometer & Thermometer of the U.S.S.MACEDONIAN from Lew Chew to Yedo Bay, January and February 1854.
DIAGRAM of the Track,Winds, daily current, bar & Thermometer of the U.S.S.F.MISSISSIPPI from Lew Chew to Yedo Bay, Feby 1854.
DIAGRAM of the Track,Winds daily current, bar & ther, of the U.S.S.SATATOGA; from Shanghai to Yedo Bay, Feby 1854.
DIAGRAM of the Track, Winds, daily Currents, Barometer & Thermometer of the U.S.S.SUPPLY, from Shanghae to Yedo Bay, March 1854
DIAGRAM of the Winds, Thermometer and Barometer in Yedo Bay 1854.
DIAGRAM of the Track,Winds,daily current, Barometer and Thermometer of the U.S.S.MACEDONIAN, from the Bonin Islands to Simoda, April and May 1854.
DIAGRAM of the Winds , Temperature & Barometer in Simoda, May and June 1854.
DIAGRAM of the Track,Winds,daily currents, Barometer and Thermometer of the U.S.S.MACEDONIAN from Simoda to Hakodade,Japan, May 1854.
DIAGRAM of the Track,Winds, daily current, Barometer and Thermometer of the U.S.S.MACEDONIAN from Simoda ,Japan, to Kielung, Formosa, June and July, 1854.
DIAGRAM of the Track,Winds daily current, Barometer and Thermometer, of the U.S.S.MACEDONIAN from Kielung, Formosa, to Manila July and August 1854.
DIAGRAM of the Track, Winds, daily current, Barometer and Thermometer of the U.S.S.F.MISSISSIPPI from Simoda, Japan to the Sandwich Islands, October 1854.
DIAGRAM of the Track,Winds,daily currents Barometer and Thermometer of the U.S.S.SUPPLY, from Hong-Kong to Lew Chew, Dec. 1853 and Jan. 1854.
DIAGRAM of the Track,Winds daily currents Barometer and Thermometer of the U.S.S.SUPPLY, from Simoda Japan, to Keelung Formosa , June and July 1854.
Track Chart of the World.
Coast of China and Japan Islands, including the Mariannes and Phillippines.
Coast of China and Japan Islands, including the Mariannes and Phillippines.
Coast of China and Japan Islands, including the Mariannes and Phillippines.
Lew Chew Island.
Harbor of Napha, Lew Chew.
Deep Bay, Lew Chew
Tubootch & Suco Harbors, Lew Chew.
Shah Bay.
Keelung, Formosa.
Coffin Group.
Yedo Bay.
Yedo Bay.
Gulf of Yedo.
Harbor of Simoda.
Harbor of Hakodadi.
Endermo Harbor.


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